About Malvern Collision Services
We are a family-run business providing high-quality repairs and customer service for over twenty years from the same location on the Main line.
Our technicians have decades of experience working on all types of vehicles, from late model Porsches to new Toyotas and Nissans to your well-used Fords and Chevys, and everything in between. We utilize cutting edge technology and equipment to ensure that your car looks just as good as it did before the accident. if not better.
Our office staff is knowledgeable and friendly and works with all insurance companies to streamline the repair process for vou. Just because your accident has been unpleasant, does not mean that the repair process must be as well.
We guarantee the work we do on your car for as long as you own it and, when you pick up your car, we’ll give you a copy of the guarantee in writing.
Our promise to you is this: high quality work, in a timely fashion, administered by a friendly and knowledgeable staff. If you’re not satisfied, we’re not satisfied.
You’ve worked hard for your car and we’ll work just as hard to fix it right.
Our Community
As a family owned business we know the value of being an active participant in our local community on the Main Line in Philadelphia.
We participate in and sponsor a variety of community events and activities, including: Malvern Blooms sponsor, Malvern Octoberfest sponsor; Malvern Victorian Christmas sponsor, supporter of the Crime Victim’s Center of Chester County; Supporter of the Amigos de Jesus orphanage, based at St. Patrick’s Church in Malvern, donor to the Make*A*Wish Foundation, Contributor to “World Vision”, sponsor of the “Run Like A Mother” 5K in West Chester and the Great Valley, Chester Valley and Aston Middletown little leagues (AMLL).